Cook Better A!#HOLE: a journey to not suck. Un-suck

I’m Aaron Lunsford.  I’m an author, drummer, and possibly an expert level home cook.  I’m not sure how to verify that.  People say “MMMMM THAT’S GOOD” when they eat my food.  I’m bad at communicating in person (verbally) about cooking.  Or about anything for that...

Med-X: Cultivate and Innovate in all-natural products

Med-X innovates all-natural and alternative solutions to everyday problems. Currently, Med-X products provide effective nontoxic and 100% all-natural pest management products to cannabis cultivators. These same products are currently used widely in the pest control...

Silikids, Inc.: Replacing Plastics in the Kitchen!

Hello Kickfurther! This is a very exciting time for our company and we hope our investors enjoy getting involved in what we are doing.  The opportunity to fund inventory production while helping promote growth will be the catapult for taking our business to the next...
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